This is a weekly roundup of all the culty media I consumed this week. Subscribe so you never miss it.
“What’s even the point of life? I’m just waiting for the world to end.” - Lauren
On trips to Baltimore and Washington. D.C. I was exposed to the robe wearing and megaphone carrying Black Hebrew Israelites. I followed the lead of others around me and avoided eye contact in the hopes that they would not direct their hellfire and brimstone preaching at me. In Black Hebrew Israelites: “Cursed and Chosen” Lauren details her early childhood experiences as part of an extremist sect of Black Hebrew Israelites. In the conversation Lauren talks about how her father’s obsession with doomsday preaching on YouTube led their family to abandon their lives in California and move to an isolated compound in Egypt.
My linesisters are coming into town this week and will be here for awhile, so readers can expect an update at the end of the month.
Talk soon,